Only 2 In 100 People Know What Their Business Is Worth.

Determine the Value of Your Business

Step #2: Business Valuation


Let’s Get Started

Top 10 Reasons For A Business Valuation

  1. 98% of private business owners don't know their business value

  2. 90% of businesses are not properly insured

  3. 78% of business owners plan to fund their retirement through the sale of their business.

  4. You can create a realistic succession plan

  5. Explore funding opportunities

  6. Better understand your business now and its future potential

  7. Get what your business is worth at time of sale

  8. Create buy/sell agreements with business partners

  9. Establish a trust and create an accurate estate plan

  10. Pay the right amount when you buy a business


Ready To Learn How Your Business Compares?

Because this tool gathers financial and operational data from 33 million companies globally, you can compare your business to others on a whole new level. Your company's information is securely stored so you and your team can access it in real time and make more accurate strategic business decisions. Give your company an edge. I'm here to support you through this process. Contact me with any questions or for more information.

Gather Documents

The paperwork is a challenge and we’ll work with your CPA or CIO to guide them through the process. Gathering information takes the most time.

Documents Needed

  • 3 years of company Profit and Loss Statements in an Excel spreadsheet

  • 3 years of company balance sheets in an excel spreadsheet

Contact Dave to submit the information for a free industry comparison report.


Go To Step #3

Taking Care of Families and Employees: Create a Continuity Plan

 What Our Contractors Say

“We brought David in to consult with the WORKS by JD Team as we scale our design-build home remodel business. It was obvious from the very beginning that his years of experience, knowledge, and relationship-building would be invaluable, and that his strong values aligned well with ours.   David has been instrumental in keeping us on track. He is kind, yet firm and a wealth of knowledge. He listens as well as leads. David has provided us with guidance on-brand message, laser-focused targeting strategies, sales coaching, best practices, and even shared vendors that can fix issues and get the job done. I have and will continue to enjoy our meetings as WORKS by JD continues to grow”.  

 Noel Cadorette, WORKS by JD